Tag Archives: Body

The Whole Being


Do you nurture and nourish your body on a daily basis?

The things we do to live our lives keeps us moving and shaking! It is so worth it though. Life is beautifully messy and busy! 

However, sometimes we feel like we are just going through the motions! We fall out of practice, especially making time for our whole beings! 

Reset the routine from time to time! Find that motivation and excitement again. Find your center and energy again. Your whole being will thank you!

We all can use a check in with ourselves to take stock and tune up the body, mind and spirit!

  • Am I still headed in the direction to follow my path to journey along?
  • Are my pursuits purposeful?
  • Are my ambitions and passions on track with my intentions?
  • Where is my focus and am I mindful of where I am heading?


Do you tap into your mind on a daily basis? Do you talk it out or write it out when it comes to your thoughts, feelings and emotions. You just have to get it out of your head to release, let go and move on! Otherwise you are creating worry and stress for yourself and that is not good for your well being.

Making the time to be mindful as well as grateful! It gives you clarity to form a plan of action. It lets you clear your mind to create space for new things. Be one with yourself and connect with your breathe!

Let your mind wander and the thoughts flow freely! 


Do you tune into your spirit on a daily basis? Do you instill a practice into your daily life. Do you make the time to connect, interact and communicate with your whole being. Do what is best for you and serves your needs!

Making time to reconnect with yourself and your whole being! Making time to refresh and renew. Making time to go within to center yourself to find balance and energy! Making time to relax and rest.

(Photos by RSheridan)

Today, Do What Feels Best For You and Your Whole Being! You DESERVE It! Enjoy 🙂

The Body Talks – Part 2

 Body Shop Talk

How do you treat your body and talk to yourself about your body?

I have had my moments where I have not been happy with my body, especially in gaining weight! A love and loathe relationship at times. In the past year I have been becoming more comfortable as well as becoming more natural when it comes to my body and my body confidence! I am pretty much loving the changes, especially discovering my strong from the inside out once again.

Nothing will every be perfect, especially in aging and not getting any younger! I am learning to be grateful for what my body can do for me, especially after recovering from a major injury. I am also learning to accept and embrace what I have and work it! I am loving my curves more now than ever.

Accepting/Kindness . . . Embracing/Compassion . . .

I am slowly gaining that belief and trust in myself and my whole being again from the inside out! I am finding that confidence to just get out there more, way more. That is the confidence I need to put out there to the world each and every day! I need to be positive and feel good about my body, my needs and my whole being.

The biggest change I have been trying to embrace is receiving compliments. I am much better at giving myself a compliment than receiving a compliment from another person, especially from someone I really do not know that well. I am working on giving compliments to other people and that feels pretty great. A little LOVE goes a long way and just have to be more open, receptive and kind!


Some days I wish I had a mega phone to tell my crazy mind and my negative self to just SHUT UP! What do I have to really complain about anyway. I am so lucky to have been given this one body! I need to spend my time and my energy on the positive and the greater good. Enough already with the negative smack talk, especially when everything and anything in your life is changeable!

I want my self worth to be my attributes and my talents and my gifts! I am strong, I am smart and I am creative. I want to live up to my full potential and that means living my life from the inside out! I need to spend my time and my energy on getting out there and just living it each and every day.

I do not care for the word “someday”! I want to live for TODAY and truly appreciate what I do have already! In finding humility and gratitude I have found self love and that is the greatest gift that I can give myself EVERY DAY!!!

H-E-A-R-T (Photos by RSheridan)

Here’s to Having a Heart to Heart With Yourself and Your Whole Being! Love Yourself More, Way More!!!

Out of Rooms

Cleaning The “Emotional House”

I have been learning to live in the present and treat each day as a gift! Part of the process is letting go of the crud that clutters my body, mind and spirit; cleaning my “emotional house”. This crud is not important, certainly does not matter and just takes up valuable real estate. The hardest lesson of letting go is when you have NO CONTROL! You either roll with it or stress yourself out.

I want to put my energies into the GREAT things in my life!

Think About . . .

  • Reenergizing Your Body
  • Cleansing Your Mind
  • Lifting Your Spirit
  • Putting Your Heart & Soul into WHAT MATTERS!

How do you know WHAT MATTERS is between you and yourself? You will KNOW when you FIND IT! How do you find your inner strength and emotional freedom? I find it by being true to myself, feeding my body and living life!

Coming Out, Of My Shell That Is! (Photo by RSheridan)

I am not going to say that being open to what life has to offer has been easy for me because you are putting yourself out there. Some people just do not understand and heck there are days I do not even understand it myself. I just get out there and try to be and do the best I can! Yes, it scares me as well as at the same time frees me!

Here’s the KICKER – In Letting Go You are ABLE to Forgive Yourself and Just Move Forward in Your Life! PLUS IT CAN BE FREEING – BONUS PEOPLE!!!

Strike a Pose

Let Your Body Go With the Flow

I have learned a valuable lesson and that is you can take being active to the extreme (and not in a good way at times). Taking it to the extreme can result in wear and tear to your joints (repetitive motions), really sore muscles (internally – take time to heal) and even result in injury. That is NOT GOOD for you and your body!

I am still learning how to tune into my body and its mechanics. How you move, how you breath and how you stretch. Your spine, bones, joints, and muscles will “Thank You”! You may even decrease, eliminate or avoid pain. That would be nice!

The worse thing you can do to your body is sit for long periods of time. Then you add the hunch to the mix; computer, cell, tablet, etc. We will have to start reminding each other to sit up straight, head up and shoulders back. That will be the new workout in the workplace of 8 hour, 10 hour, 12 hour, even 14 hour days. SCARY, right!

Then there are those “Stressors” that surround us on a daily basis. How to handle, how to avoid, how to not have them take over our lives, etc. That is a work in progress for me as well as learning how to relax. I feel like a rubberband or stuck on a springboard some days. It takes a physical toll on you as well as zaps your energy!

Here’s to Good Posture!

  • Helps You Look Healthy
  • Strengthens Your Bones
  • Gives You Flexibility
  • Helps You Maintain Mobility
  • Gives You a Boost of Energy

STRIKING (Photo by RSheridan)

You Know You Can Do It!!!


Does the Body Good

Do you really think about how you hydrate your body throughout the day? I have been pondering this because I have been sweating my way through the gym lately. I know sweat is gross, but at least you know your body is functioning properly. Your cells, tissues and organs will thank you for the hydration!

#1 Your body needs water to function properly. #2 Your body needs water to maintain good health. #3 Your body needs water to SURVIVE.

The opposite of hydration is dehydration and it affects how your body functions properly. So Drink Up! How do you know if you are dehyrated you ask? You can probably figure out where the answer might take you, so I will refrain from “GOING THERE” (get it)!

Thirsty Anyone? (Photo by RSheridan)

Staying Hydrated . . .

  • Carry a reusuable water bottle with you.
  • If you think water is blah, add citrus to liven it up!
  • Exercising, drink water before, during and after. Stay hydrated!
  • Sometimes if you feel hungry your body may just need a drink of water.

Just how much you hydrate throughout the day really depends on you. I carry water with me to drink throughout the day and usually have some unsweetened tea in the fridge too.

Remember you lose water just breathing as well as sweating and going to the bathroom. Then you add warmer weather, exercise or being sick with a fever and you start to lose water at a faster rate. You need to replace what is lost!

Drink Up & Stay Hydrated!

Hydration (Photo by RSheridan)

Feed Your Mind & Soul

Strong Body, Warm Heart, Active Spirit

How do you nourish your body, mind and spirit? I feel that it starts with being an active person – feed the machine per se! I realize that day after day over time we can get bogged down in the daily grind of life. You MAKE LIFE what IT IS though!

Some Options to Consider:

  • Select Healthier Food Choices
  • Get Your Exercise On
  • Put Stress on the Down Low
  • Love to Learn Daily
  • Be Socially Active
  • Explore & Adventure Extensively

I do not care for the “D” word! Instead I think in terms of changing one’s lifestyle and selecting healthier food choices. We all DESERVE to indulge and treat ourselves! Have FUN trying new foods and new ways to cook foods.

Simply EXERCISE makes your body and mind strong as well as gets the HEART pumping. There are multiple ways to get your exercise on and have fun doing it!

Put that STRESS on the Down Low. There are times where you are in control and other times where you just might have to ROLL with it.

Learn something NEW every day! Keeps the mind sharp and the spirit active. I love to learn and read as well as try new things and challenge myself.

Here’s the one I LOVE – be SOCIALLY active!!! Does this mean that you have to turn yourself into the Social Butterfly, certainly not. However, get out there and get involved in LIFE – so many wonderful opportunities out there if you are open to them.

Another FAVORITE one – Explore & Adventure Extensively! This truly can CHALLENGE your body, mind and spirit. We are curious by nature, so why not put it to good use!


This Vulnerable life

(Previously 'Year of Vulnerability') - Follow me as I try to live life on the vulnerable side

Manifesting Maria

Creating for inspiration, aspiration & actualization

Welcome to my Escape.

~Synnove Polaris

Unbreakable JOY

...experiences with spirit's voice...

philosophical Epiphany

Philosophy / Mind / Art

Tale Of Two Runs

Live. Laugh. Run...

52 week's of Marie's Life

52 weeks captured through photos

Lovey Photography

From May 2015 - March 2016, Sherry and Sean traveled the country and lived in a 5th wheel R.V. They took pictures, hiked mountains, and saw amazing sights. They are now settled in Fort Myers, Florida and are continuing to take pictures and seeing amazing sights. This is the blog of their journey from leaving St. Louis and starting an adventure, to living in Florida and doing photography. Enjoy the stories, and leave comments if you have one to share!

Wandering But Not Quite Lost

Tales of Impromptu Adventures and More

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems

life of di.

the ramblings of a wife, mommy, foodie, runner and follower of Christ.

Les Petits Pas de Juls

Carnets de Vie & de Voyages trilingues (Français, English, Español)

Adventure 69°North

Life in Arctic Norway



Edgar Bullon

Adventure and personal progress.

oh brother, here we go again

Ruminations, Reflections, and other Ramblings