In Telling Your Life Story . . .

Remember to Add Pictures

I cannot tell a joke, but I am a pretty good storyteller! When I do write my 1st novel I want to make sure it has pictures throughout the story being told. There is just something about pictures that unfolds a story! When I am gaining life experiences my memories become the snap shots of those experiences.

I really try to caption or identify the people in my photos, so when I am old and gray I know where I have been and who I have experienced my life with too! I am so lucky to have my best friend to adventure through life with. I know most of the photos I would pick would be of the milestones in my life. I also would add in some photos that would keep people guessing too!

In telling my story with pictures there has to be a bit of romance! I love a great romance story. Boy meets girl. Boy marries girl. Boy and girl become a family. Boy and girl adventure through life. Boy and girl grow old together still very much in love and holding hands!

In telling my story with pictures you might have to use your imagination or be able to solve a bit of a mystery! I love nothing better than a good mystery story. You have to use your imagination with the twists and turns. You have the ultimate cliffhanger in that who you think did it is no where close to who really did it!

Then this leads me to in telling my story with pictures there has to be a bit of adventure! I enjoy a great adventure story, especially one that leaves you wanting more and wanting to know what is next. I love challenging myself by trying new things and stretching my comfort zone. That is a great way to grow as a person as well as gain life experiences!

How Would You Tell Your Story? Please Share, Love to Hear!

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