Tag Archives: Health

Actively R&Ring

There is truly a balance when it comes to active R&R. You are actively seeking and setting R&R time for your whole, well being!

I think mental preparedness is just as important as physical preparedness! Especially in the 24-7 tech world we live in. Lately I think a good majority us are being challenged more mentally as well as physically these days. Hence the need to make that time to actively R&R!

How do you practice active R&R? How do you create the space to actively R&R?

You really have to do what makes sense and what works best for you and your whole, well being! Learning to invite R&R into your daily practice each and every day. Really try to not skip a day even if you can give yourself 5-to-15 minutes. It matters and is so worth it! 

  • Pausing to think and just clear the mind.
  • Taking the time to tune into your emotions and feelings.
  • Slowing down to know what your whole being truly needs.
  • Reflecting and listening.
  • Easing the energies and shifting down a bit.
  • Grounding yourself to find some much needed balance and calm.
  • Embracing those lazier and maybe do nothing days.
  • Releasing and letting go (i.e. guilt, doing everything, etc.).

That mind body connection is strong right now! Everything from what is going on inside you to what is going on outside of you is connected in a major way right now!

You actively need to know what grounds you! Finding that balance and calm!

There has been a lot of being cooped up and that can instill bouts of boredom, frustration, etc. In a lot ways this has us putting our creative hats on to stay connected and engaged. The busyness and noise versus the ebb and flow. Becoming one with yourself in embracing the quiet and solitude.

It is okay to feel your emotions and thoughts. I think all of us experience great, energetic days to sluggish, mentally burned days. Mainlining the sugar and caffeine may not be the long-term answer when you need a boost of energy. Maybe it is actively relaxing and resting!

There is a lot of missing going on with your greatest someones, your sense of community and belonging, etc.  We are looking for the lightness and fulfillment again. Some of that comes from having no choice in having to slow down. To tune into what we need to be safe.

Sometimes you have that “aha” moment where what is truly bothering you comes to surface like a light bulb over your being! Once that happens then you can work out the solution to resolve it. In opening yourself up to tune into your whole being you start to bring clarity. That reflection can be so restorative, calming and freeing!

It is very much about inviting relaxation in! To feel versus think. To let go versus keeping it in. To receive versus give. Setting that intention to practice active R&R!

Discover that joy and find what makes you happy for your whole, well being! How to comfort and sooth. How to open and expand when feeling constricted. How to self care and self love. To just go easier on yourself!

Practicing nourishing and nurturing!  Pause to breathe and reorient yourself. Cultivate to shift and grow. It connects your whole being mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

(Photos by RSheridan)

Here’s to Practicing Active R&R and Doing What is BEST for YOU and Your Whole Being!

Love to Hear Your Thoughts, Please Share!

A Different Type of Core

That Keeps You Healthy & Well

“An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!” That is one way to get to the core of the matter. However, there is another core that matters. Your core!

The exercise studio I have been going to for two years now really opened my eyes and awareness to the function of my core.

***Please note I am not a doctor or health professional. I am writing about my personal experiences. Thank You!***

The Core

Your core is more than your abs and stomach. Your core matters to your strength and overall health and wellness. Your whole body is connected through your core.

Who knew there was so many layers as well as deep layers of the core. This blew my mind! In focusing on your core you perform movements more safely and effectively.

I have learned that your core does matter in ALL that you do!

The Pelvic Floor

I remember first starting out and the instructor talking about our pelvic floor. It was so nonchalant and just put out into the open. I was thinking to myself who talks about the functioning of one’s pelvic floor. I thought I was pretty open about my body until the pelvic floor was openly talked about!

A pelvic floor that is properly strengthened has health benefits. It helps with prevention, pain and discomfort and dysfunctions. It helps with your overall core strength and that helps your body move and be in motion, including improving your posture!

There are many aspects when it comes to being open about your body and being body aware! One is being comfortable with who you are and how you feel in your body!

Think about how you simply hold yourself up throughout the day!


One benefit is more effective breathing! Really knowing how to inhale and exhale. Especially when engaging your core and connecting to the deep layers of the core. Breathing helps release stress and tension as well as clears your mind and body!

Stress affects your whole being! When to release, respond or react by tuning into your self awareness. Tapping into your self care tool kit to protect yourself. A great stress reliever as well as self care is how you use movement (i.e. standing, stretching, taking deep breathes, going for a walk, etc.)!

My biggest take away! Slowing down while practicing. In using control and a smaller range of motion your help yourself create stability and strength throughout your whole being. Injury prevention is key to being a healthy and well being too.

Learning Lessons

Lessons I Have Learned . . .

  • I breath better. I am learning how to maintain my stress level.
  • I have become more in tune to my whole being, especially in how my body moves. I decrease my range of motion and focus in on my core activation.
  • I have learned to tap into my body’s energy through practicing.
  • I create power for my whole being through my energies and increasing my strength and stamina.
  • I have learned how to use and engage my body in everything I do, especially posture, movement and motion.
  • I can create space and lengthen my whole body. I am practicing and learning how to lengthen properly and safely.
  • I am seeing results in my tone, movement, posture, etc.

(Photos by RSheridan)

My quality of life has changed for the better too! I am continuing to practice and learn . . . From core connection to strengthening the pelvic floor to breathing and everything in between!

What Are Your Learning and Practicing? Love to Hear, Please Share!

My #1 Wellness Practice

Be Kind & Gentle to You & Your Whole Being

I have learned throughout my health and wellness practice that I truly needed to shift my mindset! The “Golden Rule”. “Treat others how you want to be treated.” You really need to take care of you before you can take care of others!

Are you truly doing it for you too?

That is a big question to ask yourself that really matters! Know your “why(s)”. When you tune into doing as an act of self love you are tapping into your desires and passions. That you deserve this and remove that doubt, self-limiting beliefs, guilt, etc. You make that commitment to yourself and make yourself accountable too!

You truly have the ability to achieve your “why(s)”! When you are able to relax your whole being you help yourself connect to your whole being better. You communicate to fully connect and engage. That level of communication and that deep connection you have with yourself helps you get back to the basics in what you need and achieving your whys! 

That relaxed state also helps you slow down and maybe even get some good rest too! When relaxed you are more mindful and present. You take yourself out of stress as well as survival mode. Just taking time to pause and just breathe and clear the mind is a big assist to your whole well being!

I am finally out of that mindset that I need to spend hours getting my fitness on! Long as well as extreme workouts were not sustainable for me. I burnt out and had minor repetitive injuries that were becoming chronic. Start small and little by little it will add up!

I have been giving myself more grace, patience and compassion lately! For instance there are times I want to get up and get a workout in on the weekends. Then there are times where I want to sleep in, take my time and get in a later workout. Balance matters!

Another big mind blower is TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE! Your wellness practice needs to motivate and drive you. Not bore you and become a chore. Think outside the box and try new things!

It is good to set goals, however; be careful in setting rules and restrictions as well as limitations and high expectations! Basically do not be too hard on yourself. Learn mindfulness and being more present. Learn forgiveness and acceptance. Learn to tune and tap into your whole being and what it needs! 

The best reward is seeing and feeling how you want to see yourself and how it makes you feel! That positivity and happiness. That excitement and motivation. That drive and passion. Only you know how that looks and feels!

(Photos by RSheridan)

Love to Hear About Your Wellness Practice, Please Share.

Lifestyle & Mindset – Part II

My Word for 2018: Health

Think about your current lifestyle and mindset . . .

  • Are you adding in the ease versus the stress?
  • Are you adding in the simple versus the strain?
  • Are you checking in with your whole being?
  • Are you BEING YOU?
  • Are you DOING for you?
  • Are you making time for you and your whole being?

Remember to practice to improve the process aka work smarter not harder!

Making Time for You

What does “ME” look like to you?

  • Are you creating balance, especially in what is a priority that matters and is important.
  • Are you creating fulfillment, satisfaction, reward, etc.
  • Are you adding in relaxation and rest.
  • Are you adding in play, laughter and fun.
  • Are you making time for yourself and your whole being.

Think about what you waste your time and energy on! Are you holding on to it or actually letting go to release it? Tuning into your self worth and values to forgive yourself to move on! It can be freeing and weight lifting.

What is Your #1 or Main Motivation!

Setting Goals

The goal at the end of the day is feeling GOOD! It gets you fired up and motivated. It gets you connected to engage and experience. It gets you aligned to have balance and stability. Do more of what you love and are passionate about in living your life fully!

  • Play, laugh and have FUN!
  • Relax and Rest.
  • Discover what makes you happy, brings you joy and gives you pleasure.

The goal at the end of the day is to do what is BEST for YOU! Be open to learning, growing and experiencing. Inspire and motivate yourself as well as encourage and engage yourself and your whole being in everything you do. Set yourself up for SUCCESS!

  • Prioritize YOU!
  • Let go of the guilt in being a little selfish in making time for your needs and taking care of yourself.
  • Listen to your whole being aka check in with yourself.

The goal at the end of the day is to be and do the BEST you can be and do! Stretch your comfort zone and try new things. Make mistakes and make them teachable moments to learn and develop from. Celebrate milestones and successes. Learn to practice and trust the process. It is amazing what you discover and realize about yourself and how you live your life!

  • Get out of the same old same old by switching it up a bit.
  • Find inspiration to motivate you.
  • Forgive yourself.

(Photos by RSheridan)

BE & DO what makes you FEEL GOOD! Really Set Your Sights On Something You Want To Do & DO IT! Love to Hear Your Thoughts, Please Share.

Lifestyle & Mindset – Part 1

My Word for 2018: Health

I have been changing up my lifestyle a bit and have discovered that my mind set got left behind! I like those light bulb moments that give you a little more clarity. Sometimes you become focused even to the point of hyper focused in moving forward. Sometimes you just have to pause to find your direction to make sure you are on track or at least where you need to be!

Think about your current lifestyle and mindset . . .

  • Are you adding in the ease versus the stress?
  • Are you adding in the simple versus the strain?
  • Are you checking in with your whole being?
  • Are you BEING YOU?
  • Are you DOING for you?
  • Are you making time for you and your whole being?

Remember to practice to improve the process aka work smarter not harder! 

I know for me patience is not my strong suit and then getting into that mindset that everything happens for a reason is another piece to wrap my head around!

Checking In

Remember to do regular self checks to determine what is working and what is not! Pause and press reset. Pace yourself. You are a priority and need to take care of YOU!

Remember to give yourself some love too! Reset the balance to find the calm. Restart the compassion and care. Recharge the energies. Rediscover the love and joy. It truly creates flow in living your life the way you want to live it!

Being You

Being true to who you are matters! How you value yourself, especially in how you want to be treated. It encourages you to be the best version of YOU! To believe and trust in yourself. It takes courage to give yourself the freedom to be you!

Give back to you and your whole being with love, care, kindness and compassion! Tuning into your intuition. Practicing health and wellness. Appreciating and accepting you for YOU! 

Think about that for a moment . . . do you appreciate and accept who you are, as you are?

Doing for You

What is your WHY? Is it a want, need, obligation, etc. Remember to value you and your needs, time and energies. 

  • Nurturing and nourishing your whole being.
  • Creating space and setting boundaries.
  • Slowing down the busy and the hustle.
  • Holding on or letting go.
  • Creating, manifesting, visioning . . .

Take your self care seriously and make time for it too!

(Photos by RSheridan)

BE & DO what makes you FEEL GOOD! Really Set Your Sights On Something You Want To Do & DO IT! Love to Hear Your Thoughts, Please Share.

My Magic Circle

Whole Well Being

I am talking about Pilates and the Magic Circle prop used! When I first saw the Magic Circle I thought I am going to join the circus. I was use to straps and blocks and now you are giving me a circle and a ball. Yes going to be able to perform circus tricks!

I tend to call my magic circle a steering wheel. It looks and feels like a steering wheel to me. It also helps me steer myself to a whole well being! It reminds me that I am in control. It reminds me that I need to get out of my head and connect to my whole being from within!

These two props along with my mat are my besties now! I am actually embracing the three pound weights too. How can something three pounds make your arms shake and feel like jello!

With the squeeze of the magic circle I am strengthening and finding my power! The engagement between your inner being and your strength. The communication between your mind and your body. The connection that your body is connected and activated as a whole!

I spend 50-minutes at least three times a week for myself and my whole well being. I love the variety at the studio I go to. I enjoy the mix of Barre, Mat Pilates, Yogalates and Yoga offered throughout the week. I find my center and focus as well as my reset and recharge in my practice!

I am still a work in practice when it comes to using my energies effectively and efficiently. That needing of a second wind or that needing of some relaxation and rest. It is balancing and centering for the mind and body! That wanting to nourish and nurture your whole being for the better. It helps you concentrate and become more focused! 

(Photos by RSheridan)

Knowing how to move well is a practice of process, but so worth it once it clicks for your whole being! Learning how important breathing, posture, movement and form are for you and your whole being. Motion and movement is key to overall health and wellness! 

  • Think ease and softness.
  • Think alignment of body in relation to motion.
  • Think of innovative and creative ways to add movement.

It is challenging, fun and rewarding! 

It is about taking time for yourself and your whole well being! Love to Hear What You Are DOING for Your Whole Well Being. Please Share.

Living Wholly

Whole Well Being That Is!

I am not sure if I started on a journey or one heck of an adventure back in mid-November! I had been a gym member for many years. However, it was no longer serving my best interests. I needed a change and found one that I fell head over heels in love with!

I enjoy the studio I go to. When I first started I did not think I would survive the first 50-minute class. I persevered and have been keeping my practice up for 8 months now. I find a good combo between challenging myself and having fun doing it!

The one major lesson I learned back in 2012 that still sticks with me today is that EVERYTHING is CONNECTED! 

  • Your health, wellness and happiness.
  • Your body in general has to work together to become one in motion and movement.
  • Your mind, body and spirit.
  • Your inner being to your outer being.
  • Making time for you and your whole being.

Practicing . . .

I am progressing in my practice. Learning to focus on the form more versus just going through the motions. Learning to embrace poses and accept that it challenges my body in a good way. Learning how to breathe better while exercising. Not only am I discovering my strong I am finding my sense of balance again!

Positioning . . .

The biggest change I have seen in myself is being able to properly position myself! Desk jockeying to mat work to walking and biking and everything in between. The ability to breathe easier, not crunching into your spine, being able to twist, rotate and pivot better and more fully, etc. Proper posture has so many added benefits!

Powering . . .

You learn how to power to perform and utilize your energies too! All that sitting makes your hip flexors short and tight and your glutes are limited in range of motion and may even weaken. Then your legs, hips and lower back take over and take the brunt. Think better blood flow too!

In looking back I think about all the hours and sweat I put into exercising and feeling at times the results were hit and miss. It is hard to explain the transformation unless you experience it. I went from sweating and burning to more focused in on motion, movement and breathing. I found I was more connected and that meant a more meaningful workout session. I also found compassion for myself and relaxation and rest for my whole being too!

For me it is about how I feel instead of look when it comes to my whole well being! Activating and engaging to a deeper and stronger mind body connection. All that bridging, working out on all fours and even squatting and planking. Stretching, increasing range of motion and of course balance (repeat what you did on the right-side on the left-side). It does a whole well being GOOD!

(Photos by RSheridan)

What Are You Doing for Your Whole Well Being? Love to Hear, Please Share!

My Word for 2018


I am making a healthier and happier me a priority in 2018! Continuing to discover my strong. Continuing to be thankful in what my whole being does for me, especially when I take care of myself.

Love, Care, Kindness, Compassion . . .

Miss Katie over at Healthy Diva Life gives me clarity and light bulb moments with her posts. Thank you! I love when women love and support as well as inspire and empower the women around them.

My recent light bulb moment stems from being in a crossroads right now in living my life. Am I on the right track? What sign or direction am I looking for to get me moving forward again? Here is the light bulb going off – I have been changing my lifestyle, but my mindset got left behind! 

Being Real, Taking Risks and Having No REGRETS!!!

I am changing that in 2018 for myself! I recently wrote a post called 4 Buckets and there was my sign and a sense of direction for myself. It truly resonated with me at that moment! However, I need to take it to the next level for myself and my whole, well being.

I have two major goals in mind for 2018.

  1. Create more ease.
  2. Make time to find my happy.

FULLfilling . . .

It may not be easy and it may come with its share of hard work, but so worth it! Doing what is best for you and what serves your needs. Communicating, interacting, connecting, and engaging your mind, heart and whole being in pretty much everything you do. Be true to who you are and trust what you know to be true!

When your heart, mind and being are in tune it creates the space you need to go after what you need! The dreams turn into goals. The coming from love versus fear in following your heart’s desires. The believing and trusting that you are right where you need to be! 

To just focus on one thing at a time or even just doing nothing at all! To be mindful as well as in the present moment. To bring about awareness, especially of self. Everything happens in due time and being patient and trusting the process is key!

Journeying . . . (Photos by RSheridan)

Do You Have a Word for 2018? What Are You Doing for YOU? Love to Hear, Please Share!


4 Buckets

When It Comes To

FULLfiling Our Whole, Well Beings

I recently attended a class on managing stress. There were some really profound aha! moments for me!

#1 – There are essentially four buckets to FULLfil.

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional (including Social)
  • Spiritual

#2 – Exercising is more than the physical.

Exercise is physical well being as well as mental health and wellness! It is good to engage both in the activities. Remember fun and not chore. Play, laugh, get curious, explore . . .

Really think about what gives you joy, pleasure and overall happiness! It is motivating and energizing. It can be an attitude and mood changer. It is a confidence booster and gives you a sense of your overall strength aka empowerment!

#3 – Thinking about social being part of not only the emotional, but the physical, mental and spiritual.

I like being solo; however, grabbing a friend or being in a group can add a social aspect and a spirit of fun! It makes you accountable. It makes you a little more willing to try new things. It can be connecting if not at times bonding. It is a way to communicate, interact and engage too! 

I also enjoy getting outside to escape into the Great Outdoors! The fresh air and natural light. The becoming of one with the natural and nature is calming and grounding. The engagement of all your senses! 

(Photos by RSheridan)

It all correlates and connects, right! Communicating and engaging. Interacting and connecting. Your whole, well being!

Natural Healing

Health & Wellness

What speaks to you when it comes to your health and wellness?

My Top 3

  • The Natural
  • Going on an Adventure
  • Relaxation & Rest

The Natural

You can bring nature inside or head out into the Great Outdoors!  The fauna and flora. The green spaces to the mountains to the sandy beaches to everything in between. The fresh air!

There is just something about natural light that brightens your whole, well being! The sunlight. The warmth. The brain gets a boost and the mood gets a lift!

Do you ever stop and just take in all the colors of the fruits and veggies available? The freshness and ripeness of the fruits and veggies in season. Wandering through an orchard or a pick your own garden. The creativity and experimentation that comes from trying, preparing, cooking, and tasting fruits and veggies!

Think About . . .

  • Activity and motion.
  • The weather and the seasons.
  • What are you eating?

Going on an Adventure

When was the last time you went on an adventure? To escape, wander and get lost. To get curious and explore. To release your inner kid and play, laugh and have fun!

Experiencing growth and gaining life experiences! Tuning into your creative being and tapping into your potential, talents and gifts. Learning about your interests and developing hobbies. Making those moments that you savor and cherish as life long memories!

Think About . . .

  • Your energies.
  • Sociability and community.
  • What excites you?

R & R

Making the time for some much needed R&R is good for your whole, well being too! To make time for yourself. To get a good, full nights rest. To wake up naturally with nothing scheduled!

It may play a part in your natural healing for better health and wellness! How you communicate and connect with yourself. How you interact and engage with yourself. It can be grounding and healing!

Think about . . .

  • Your comfort.
  • “Me” time.
  • What are you looking forward to?

(Photos by RSheridan)

Here’s to Discovering What Helps Your Whole, Well Being Naturally Heal.

This Vulnerable life

(Previously 'Year of Vulnerability') - Follow me as I try to live life on the vulnerable side

Manifesting Maria

Creating for inspiration, aspiration & actualization

Welcome to my Escape.

~Synnove Polaris

Unbreakable JOY

...experiences with spirit's voice...

philosophical Epiphany

Philosophy / Mind / Art

Tale Of Two Runs

Live. Laugh. Run...

52 week's of Marie's Life

52 weeks captured through photos

Lovey Photography

From May 2015 - March 2016, Sherry and Sean traveled the country and lived in a 5th wheel R.V. They took pictures, hiked mountains, and saw amazing sights. They are now settled in Fort Myers, Florida and are continuing to take pictures and seeing amazing sights. This is the blog of their journey from leaving St. Louis and starting an adventure, to living in Florida and doing photography. Enjoy the stories, and leave comments if you have one to share!

Wandering But Not Quite Lost

Tales of Impromptu Adventures and More

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems

life of di.

the ramblings of a wife, mommy, foodie, runner and follower of Christ.

Les Petits Pas de Juls

Carnets de Vie & de Voyages trilingues (Français, English, Español)

Adventure 69°North

Life in Arctic Norway



Edgar Bullon

Adventure and personal progress.

oh brother, here we go again

Ruminations, Reflections, and other Ramblings