Daily Archives: June 10, 2016

Practicing Wellness

Taking Care of Your Well Being

Getting Your Green(s) On . . .

Do you practice wellness on a daily or weekly basis? 

  1. Enjoy 1:1 time with yourself as well as with your greatest someones.
  2. Taste the foods you eat.
  3. Treat yourself and savor it.
  4. Take 5 minutes to be present.
  5. Become one with your natural surroundings.
  6. Use your time off to take a staycation/vacation.
  7. Feel the music and really tune in to it, tap along or even get up and just dance.
  8. Be active by adding movement throughout your day.
  9. Read a book or write and just immerse yourself into the story.
  10. Focus on your breathing. Breath in . . . breath out . . .

Getting Fresh Air . . .

Self love is important and self care matters when it comes to your overall health and happiness! I know it is not easy, however; make yourself a priority and take time for you. Really try to put the guilt and the judgment on the down low too.  Ask yourself do you feel better when you take time for you? Yes!

Make sure you are getting the most of your self care routine by practicing wellness daily, weekly and monthly! It is about shifting your mindset a bit. It is about shifting your lifestyle a bit. You will reap the benefits for you and your whole well being! 

Practicing wellness and instilling a self care routine is a truly a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual boost to your whole being! Practicing mindfulness. Practicing awareness. Practicing being. Learning to acknowledge your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Learning to release and let go. Breath in . . . Breath out . . . Put one foot in front of the other and keep journeying along!

Getting Your R&R On . . . (Photos by RSheridan)

Here’s To Making Time For Your Whole Being!

This Vulnerable life

(Previously 'Year of Vulnerability') - Follow me as I try to live life on the vulnerable side

Manifesting Maria

Creating for inspiration, aspiration & actualization

Welcome to my Escape.

~Synnove Polaris

Unbreakable JOY

...experiences with spirit's voice...

philosophical Epiphany

Philosophy / Mind / Art

Tale Of Two Runs

Live. Laugh. Run...

52 week's of Marie's Life

52 weeks captured through photos

Lovey Photography

From May 2015 - March 2016, Sherry and Sean traveled the country and lived in a 5th wheel R.V. They took pictures, hiked mountains, and saw amazing sights. They are now settled in Fort Myers, Florida and are continuing to take pictures and seeing amazing sights. This is the blog of their journey from leaving St. Louis and starting an adventure, to living in Florida and doing photography. Enjoy the stories, and leave comments if you have one to share!

Wandering But Not Quite Lost

Tales of Impromptu Adventures and More

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems

life of di.

the ramblings of a wife, mommy, foodie, runner and follower of Christ.

Les Petits Pas de Juls

Carnets de Vie & de Voyages trilingues (Français, English, Español)

Adventure 69°North

Life in Arctic Norway



Edgar Bullon

Adventure and personal progress.

oh brother, here we go again

Ruminations, Reflections, and other Ramblings