Inspirational Forces

Be Inspired . . .

In my opinion Elizabeth Gilbert is an inspirational force to me! Her book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear just speaks volumes and on so many levels to my whole being. Creating and living a creative life! 

“Creative Forces of Enchantment.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

To Be Curious

I still embrace my curiosity as an adult!

I like the phrase “creative” living! It applies to each and everyone of us. We all have gifts, talents and passions that we need to share with ourselves as well as other people!

The fun part is discovering what you love and what gives you passion and purpose in living your life! Tuning into your whole being and tapping into what you love, makes you happy and brings you joy. I am practicing to go after what I love most! It inspires, motivates and energizes my whole being. I am learning to come from a place of love by following my heart and doing more of what I love to do!

A big part of that process is facing head on what I fear most! There is nothing wrong in being fearful, however; if it stops you from living your life then that is not a good place to be. Taking a hard look at your values and beliefs as well as your attitudes and habits. You have to learn how to process and work through that fear in order to keep moving forward in creating and living your life! 

The relationship between fear and creativity: “Fear is a desolate boneyard where our dreams go to desiccate in the hot sun.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert

There needs to be that balance that works best for you and your whole being! Fear can be healthy in that it protects you from very real dangers. Every one of use is hardwired with a feeling of fear and sensing that fear to be good or bad. You have to create space and make boundaries to guide you in a safe and protected manner! 

Discovering . . .

To Be Free

I know the greatest lesson I have given myself and my whole being lately is practicing mindfulness! Just being in the present moment. I experience more passion and creativity as well as joy and happiness by being in that moment. That race to be all and do it all is draining and exhausting and really gets me nowhere with nothing gained!

It is about feeling inspired and motivated to explore, create and pursue what you want and need in creating and living your life! However, what matters is going for it and doing it! To be open to the possibilities. To be passionate to create.

Being inspired makes you open and motivated and energized to do more of what you love! To be curious to explore and try new things. To imagine and create. To communicate, interact, engage, and connect to your whole being. It can be a freeing process!

Just unleash your creative side and let it out to play!

Practicing . . .

To Be Brave

Here is the BIGGEST Revelation that I have had – Everything is Connected! There is meaning. There is purpose. There is conviction. Those unconnected events are connected in so many ways and on so many levels when it comes to creating and living our lives! 

The decisions and choices we make or do not make. Being stuck and getting unstuck.

The chances and the risks we take or do not take. Learning, growing and experiencing.

The way we respond and react. Changing and transitioning. Transforming and being true to who you are.

Everything is part of a bigger plan and some things come back around! Practicing, testing, learning. Developing, growing, experiencing. Every experience matters on some level in creating and living your life! 

Doing the things that scare you.

Being in the moment making those life memories.

Being humble as well as vulnerable to allow yourself to just go there, go for it and do it.

Taking That 1st Step . . .

To Be Creative

I practice cultivating creativity by making time to play, explore and adventure! Being able to use my imagination. Being able to express myself on many levels. By having creative outlets I am more effective and efficient in other areas of my life!

Being creative is about immersing myself in the process and enjoying being in that creative zone and flow of creative energy! It lets me stretch myself and try new things. It lets me explore my potential, gives me purpose and makes me feel good. Being creative is very much a part of my whole being!   

Being creative is about being aware of my surroundings and tapping into my senses! Paying attention and taking notice. Thinking outside of the box and coloring outside of the lines. That awareness creates inspiration and sparks creativity!

Creativity is like breathing at least for me! I see the good and the positive. I wish, hope and dream. I find life more exciting! 

Playing . . . (Photos by RSheridan)

What Do You Do To Inspire Creativity In Your Life Each and Every Day? Love to Hear, Please Share!

About cravesadventure

I love to adventure to new places to create new life experiences. View all posts by cravesadventure

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