Daily Archives: February 26, 2014

Connections – Part 3

Practice, Practice, Practice

I believe it is important to connect throughout the day! Being aware and mindful. Finding meaning and purpose. Being in the here and now!

Navigation Skills

In developing your navigation skills you can handle just about any situation as well as any mental landmines! These navigation skills can help you determine if a situation is worth your time and energy or to just let it go and move on. This is where your adaptability and flexibility skills come into play. Another important skill is being open and accepting of change; let yourself be the change agent!

I believe in developing your navigation skills that the “taking it personal” aspect is a little less pronounced! These navigation skills may give you a leg up when dealing with an unexpected situation. There is that connected and grounded feeling when you have the skills to deal! Place the focus back at you instead of the situation.

Navigating LIFE!!!

Reach Out

It is okay to reach out and ask for a little help and support! Sometimes going through a situation is easier with a trusted friend or two. Feeling safe helps you connect from within to deal with what is going on around you! It is okay to feel scared and vulnerable as long as you can find the relief you need to move forward once again.

Having fears and doubts of the unknown is normal and can be healthy for you! Healthy in that you are seeking the truth or challenging the unknown to find that connection and relief. Remember avoidance and talking smack about yourself and your sense of self is so not worth your time and energy! Really find that value in yourself and if it means reaching out to find it just do it.

Stop judging and blaming yourself because it is counterproductive, especially in moving forward! Turn that focus inward and be a little kinder to yourself in that moment. The one thing I truly struggle with is patience! I either want it to continue or want to hurry it up.

Not There Yet!

It has been stated that “Knowing this natural awareness is the innermost truth of who you are.”! I think I pretty much know who I am. The journey I am on is learning how to live my life from within! I am on my way, but not there yet.

NOT There Yet! (Photos by RSheridan)

What are you putting in to practice when it comes to connecting in your life? Love to hear, please share!

This Vulnerable life

(Previously 'Year of Vulnerability') - Follow me as I try to live life on the vulnerable side

Manifesting Maria

Creating for inspiration, aspiration & actualization

Welcome to my Escape.

~Synnove Polaris

Unbreakable JOY

...experiences with spirit's voice...

philosophical Epiphany

Philosophy / Mind / Art

Tale Of Two Runs

Live. Laugh. Run...

52 week's of Marie's Life

52 weeks captured through photos

Lovey Photography

From May 2015 - March 2016, Sherry and Sean traveled the country and lived in a 5th wheel R.V. They took pictures, hiked mountains, and saw amazing sights. They are now settled in Fort Myers, Florida and are continuing to take pictures and seeing amazing sights. This is the blog of their journey from leaving St. Louis and starting an adventure, to living in Florida and doing photography. Enjoy the stories, and leave comments if you have one to share!

Wandering But Not Quite Lost

Tales of Impromptu Adventures and More

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems

life of di.

the ramblings of a wife, mommy, foodie, runner and follower of Christ.

Les Petits Pas de Juls

Carnets de Vie & de Voyages trilingues (Français, English, Español)

Adventure 69°North

Life in Arctic Norway



Edgar Bullon

Adventure and personal progress.

oh brother, here we go again

Ruminations, Reflections, and other Ramblings