Daily Archives: January 17, 2014

Growing Strides

Personal Growth



YOU are THE ONE that Reaches YOUR POTENTIAL IN LIFE! ~RSheridan

There are 2 key components to Personal Growth . . .

  • Seeing Value in Yourself
  • Knowing Yourself

In “Seeing Value in Yourself” you add value to yourself and your life. In “Knowing Yourself” you can experience growth in yourself. In order to do that you have to be open and tune into your 5 senses; use your intuition too! You must SEE, you must CONNECT to your body, mind and spirit, you must LEARN your potential to experience growth, etc. Increase Your WORTH instead of using it up and running on almost empty!

I am sorry to break it to you but personal growth is not fast or easy and comes from hard work and dedication! In the long run you will reap the benefits though if you stick with it. YOU have to CREATE IT in Your Life! You have to empower yourself as well as find the motivation in order to achieve the life you want. It can be One AMAZING Journey!

Experiencing GROWTH (Photo by RSheridan)

The hardest part in personal growth is turning setbacks into opportunities! You need to develop a coping skills tool kit as well as set goals that are attainable and achievable. You need to tune into the positive as well as the gratitude in your life. You have to become more aware, pay more attention and develop great listening skills within the life you live!

The biggest road block you will encounter along your journey of personal growth is the act of forgiveness; for yourself and others! Forgiving yourself is hard enough and then you have to forgive others. Wow – Wee! It does not pay to not forgive, not move forward and hold grudges. It does pay to be the bigger person and move on in your life; mentally and physically!

DO NOT Hold Yourself Back – Nurture Yourself – Experience the Growth You NEED in Your Life! ACHIEVE the BEST YOU!!!

This Vulnerable life

(Previously 'Year of Vulnerability') - Follow me as I try to live life on the vulnerable side

Manifesting Maria

Creating for inspiration, aspiration & actualization

Welcome to my Escape.

~Synnove Polaris

Unbreakable JOY

...experiences with spirit's voice...

philosophical Epiphany

Philosophy / Mind / Art

Tale Of Two Runs

Live. Laugh. Run...

52 week's of Marie's Life

52 weeks captured through photos

Lovey Photography

From May 2015 - March 2016, Sherry and Sean traveled the country and lived in a 5th wheel R.V. They took pictures, hiked mountains, and saw amazing sights. They are now settled in Fort Myers, Florida and are continuing to take pictures and seeing amazing sights. This is the blog of their journey from leaving St. Louis and starting an adventure, to living in Florida and doing photography. Enjoy the stories, and leave comments if you have one to share!

Wandering But Not Quite Lost

Tales of Impromptu Adventures and More

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems

life of di.

the ramblings of a wife, mommy, foodie, runner and follower of Christ.

Les Petits Pas de Juls

Carnets de Vie & de Voyages trilingues (Français, English, Español)

Adventure 69°North

Life in Arctic Norway



Edgar Bullon

Adventure and personal progress.

oh brother, here we go again

Ruminations, Reflections, and other Ramblings